When I last posted two weeks ago, my ValleyCon army looked like this:
One lonely completed team, lots of blank bases and a stack of work to do. Since then, I've painted the Motor Platoon, including transport.
Not 100% happy with the canvas tilts on the trucks, I might revisit them later. It's a bit sad that it probably took more time to paint the trucks than they'll ever spend on the table, but it was good practice for the caunter colours before I do the rest of the armoured cars.
I've painted the full motor platoon with three ATRs, even though I'm only using two of them in the list. Previous experience says that if I don't paint them now then I probably never will, and even if I did get around to it in the future then they won't look the same. Just thinking about that, I should go back and paint three more Rifle teams before too long, to leave open the option of using them as a Rifle Platoon in some other list in future.
So, this is where I'm up to as of the end of the weekend - gradually filling in the blanks.
Some good news is that the 37mm portees and the rest of the armoured cars arrived during the week. I had a pack of the Italian Campaign artillery crew on order from the Battlefront webstore, to replace the BEF crew in the 18/25pdr boxed set, along with a few other special order items, but they've only shipped half the order so I guess the crews aren't available. Luckily, eBay has come to the rescue and there's now a pack of the artillery crew winging its way to me from Minnesota, so that's everything that I need now accounted for.
Next step: get some more armoured cars painted up.